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The All-In Parenting Method


To work with parents who KNOW there has to be a better, easier more pleasureable way of parenting. Using this process, parents learn to connect on deep levels using:

  1. Practical every day living tools 

  2. Deep connected communication (beyond words)

  3. Self expression to reveal social emotional levels of all family members

5 Components of the All In Parenting Method

  1. Finding your parenting power - Everyone has natural a parenting style. Unfortunately it can be based on what didn't work for you as a child. Your own childhood blueprint will create a paradigm of doing everything opposite of what you didn't like as a child, vs. what your child needs. What is necessary and learned in this step is to learn exactly the kind of parenting your child requires and for you to be your genuine self and parent from there. ​

  2. Partner intimacy - The way each parent relates to one another is crucial. This is for parents who live under one roof or not. Children are extremely sensitive, and learn more from the environment and energy around them, than what is "taught" to them.  The natural ways parents relate does not have to change, tweaks and refinement is enough to create a healthy intimate home. In this mindfully set space, children learn how to show up in the world, gender, race and responses are created here. Conditions and healthy attachment is developed with healthy intimate relations. 

  3. Building Play Muscles - "Take play out of the mix, and like the oxygen deprived cyanotic, the relationship becomes a survival endurance contest." National Institute for Play  Play is a muscle, if it's not used or built up it atrophies. There is an epidemic of a lack of intentional, mindful and purposeful play. Parents who "teach" their children often get frustrated, and children don't listen. Integrating play as a family value is critical for ease and relatability. When children relate, they listen, they follow directions, they grow socially, emotionally, cognitively and in all realms of where children and adults thrive.  

  4. Communication - Learning communication beyond words is a skill. During highly charged emotional states, adults lose their ability to connect and read all other forms of communication. Children's behaviors are symptoms of their environment. Children are constantly giving information and letting parents know what they need. It is a learned skill to "read" this type of communicating. There is no such thing as "fixing a child." Fixing children and showing them how to do the right thing, is old paradigm it's based on power struggling, disconnect and  making the child wrong, by teaching them a lesson. Leading with understanding behavior as communication brings in the element of curiosity. 

  5. Mindset- The mindset of a parent and family are crucial. It can be the same exact situation, with an alternate perspective and the whole dynamic and relationship can change. Once frustration and stuck is present in a family, it's impossible to get out without a neutral party. Patterns form and no one wins. These patterns trigger feelings of lack, guilt, worry, shame, bitterness, and look like exhaustion and overwhelm. ​

The Program 

The All in Parenting Method is uniquely tailored for each family. Using the components listed above, with four major methodologies: 

  1. Authentic Relating

  2. Embodiment

  3. Coaching

  4. Self-Expression          

The time frame of your families program depends on where you begin. After your intake application is reviewed, and a phone consultation is had, Shane will review and share what your family's program will look like. You will agree to time, and investment and then begin right away, with your Mapping Session.  Sessions may be in person, video or phone session, depending on your location. Shane works with family's all over the world.  Sessions may be with both parents, one parent,  siblings, child focused, extended family, community based.  Within the structure, Shane guides you to becoming an empowered parent. This program is not an answer to moment to moment; "what do I do?" is an answer to the "how" and "why." 

This program happens in three or six months, depending on where you live and your scheduling, working together happens in person or remotely. 

Can the All in Parenting Method help my family? 

This program is for the family that is experiencing frustration and perhaps hopelessness, a sense of giving up, feelings of anger, blame and disconnect from each other, exhaustion, overwhelm. This is for families where one parent doesn't agree with the other's parenting methods when it comes to discipline, and bringing up the topic of discipline is a sore wound. If a child is acting out during times of transition, mealtimes, and does not follow directions on a regular basis. If your child is school age, and either having challenges in school where the teachers is talking to you after school, or if your child is amazing at school and challenging only at home. 


Family's that have worked with Shane in the past are saying: 

  • You are just magic, you've never even met our son, and yet you understand his behavior SO WELL! Our family is experiencing more flow, joy and accceptance in just three months! Most important we are actually liking each other! Eileen and John (parents of twin girls age, 4)

  • We've just started working together, and already I have glimpses of how I see things. I'm a new parent, so everything is new. This time in my life is going to be so much more meaningful with you in it. Thank you already. -Judy and Simon

  • "I swear we had no hope at all, we described our Son as cute and out of control, we called him the devil. It's a complete turn around, we had resistance, and now we see the same situations but SO differently thanks to Shane." - Diane and Mike 

  • "As a single Mom, I felt alone, lost and completely frustrated, I was yelling all the time, and pushing us through the day, just to repeat the same the next day. I actually learned how to interact with my child in a way that's hard to describe. All I know is now he listens and I go to sleep like a normal person, not collapsing in to bed every night."  - Susanne 


Ready to step into a new way of life? Schedule your breakthrough session.  In your session, we’ll connect deeply with your vision, identify what keeps you struck, and look at specific steps to help you create the family life you want. 

Get in touch – I look forward to hearing from you!


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