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June 2016

Your workshop was highly informative, I thought it would be mushy for Moms, but as a Dad who is stay at home, I found so much of what you spoke about very masterful. M.O. Dad in Long Island City

May 2016

When we have our calls, things in my house just fall in to place all the while we're on the call. - It IS magical! T.C.- Mom of a 4 year old and a newborn

March 2016

My business feels so supported, even when I dont' do all my action steps, you are a wizard at meeting me where I'm at. I always feel better after we talk. KS - Business Mama client

February 2016 

I'm glad the teleclass was on mute, I was crying at how much you understand what I'm dealing with, and you've never met my child."  T. D. Mother of a 6 year old


February 2016

Shane Kulman thanks so much for your support last night could have been a stuck night but we moved forward and ended the night cuddled with Ivy in peaceful parenting and love. Love and Light! Danii Monther of a 2.5 year old


January 2016

After I speak to Shane, I stay inspired and activated for a couple of days after, I don't know if it's your voice or your comfort, but just knowing that we get to check in once a week makes my life feel easier.  Ana - Mother of a son with attention issues


January 2016

That's because YOU ARE MAGICAL !!! You have changed the life of my Grandson ! I will always love you for that you have the ability to see way inside a childs heart. Your amazing. Patti Ann Trevisoni 


October 2015

Thank you very much for reminding me to schedule our time together. Im enjoying it so much! Im focusing in the positive, In what I would like Lucy do more! you are brilliant!  It is manefesting positive changes in our life. For example, now that I am taking her to the bathroom everytime she is wet or put her pants down, she is actually siiting at the toilet! this is a positive change, and Im hoping she eventually peep or poop there.


September 2015

Also I've been meaning to let you know I did this tip today. The child I nanny for often will say No and scream when I enter the room. I know she is trying to tell me something. Mostly I imagine it's fear if she gives me attention she won't get attention from her parents. Anywho, today I looked right at her and said, "I love you, what can I give you right now." And she started talking to me and then continue to hang out with me the rest of the morning! So awesome thank you!!! Xoxox


July 2015

I now have a deeper communication with my husband, just based on the fact that we each have calls with you a month, we ask each other, "so, what'd you talk about?" THANK YOU! Amanda - Mother of two boys 8 and 6


June 2015

"You rocked the mic! Thank you for showing up and bringing your fresh perspective to the panel" - Lucas Goodwin Fusion Academy - Middle School Meyhem Education Panel 


March 2015

"This program was as direct as direct can be. When I was a teenager, I went to a psychologist, and it was torture, I didn't speak for hours. It was great watching my sons and my family enjoy this experience working with you, with no suffering, and actually experiencing the opposite. You are great, thank you Shane, I now recognize how fun it is to be a Dad."  Aaron.B. (Radically Relating 6 month program)


January 2015 -

"My take away from this workshop is a strange joy!" -85 year old woman/wife of a 1st responder


“You are something very special, I have never met anyone like you, and every woman I know can benefit from this special kind of workshop. I am dedicated to attending your classes and workshops.” Sarit – Mother of two adult children


December 2014

 I know I wrote you a testimonial when I finished my program with you. SINCE THEN, so much more has happened, and I know it’s a direct result of the work we did together. First, I am still working on myself with my son, this is not easy and I’m thinking about working with you again… but that later.


I found a new job that I wanted since 2012 and starting in January. I was not even thinking to get hired there but out of blue I had an interview with the owner and 2days later an offer. Very excited. I thought we were just going to work on my family life, but I see how big a part of that I am, and all I am doing.  BIG THANK YOU.  And just started to look for a new place where to relocate.  

I wish you ALL THE BEST in 2015! You are a magical woman and how exciting for the families that work with you this year.


October 2014

I just began working with Shane and her program "Radically Reducing Tantrums." Shane knows this, I was skeptical. Shane spoke with such sure-ness that I got my family involved. It's only been two months, and I swear I already see the difference. My child still has tantrums, but they are less destructive, fewer and don't last as long. I have strategies and ways to deal that I would never think would work. BUT THEY ARE!

Shane is a gift to any family that wants a better and more peaceful family life.  


September 2014

I  love that you work specifically with children with special needs as this is also one of my passions. Your website has given me a lot of tools and resources into fulfilling my passion as future yoga instructor.
Lots of love 


July 2014

I just signed on with you again for another 6 month coaching package. I feel so heard by you. I never knew what it was like to have someone truly listen, it's like I have to realize what I share wtih you, because you actually listen! You gave me tools to make my life easier. As a single Mom of a son with autism I get overwhelmed REALLY quickly. I have these mini conversations with you and it's like even when you are not there you are!  You already know how grateful I am. Even with all my resistance to ask for help in the beginning. I know see how IMPORTANT IT IS. I NEED HELP! I've come so far and I know it! I want to keep moving, and I'm glad it's with your guidance...



June 2014 I truly felt blessed being a part of everything at A Day of Joy. I had such interesting conversations with Moms! I am grateful for having been introduced as I for see a stepping stone into my future as I continue to work with children with Autism.  The art therapist's story with her son is amazing. It truly helps to have been enlightened to such an amazing story which brings so much hope, joy and potential for OUR students.  The yoga felt great. You did a great job! The food was phenomenal. Amanda - Special Education Itinerant Teacher


May 2014

Us California Moms LOVE all this stuff. I've never done it all in one event! This was a great day, the fact that we were in Topanga, made me feel like I was a world away from my day to day stress. So many feelings came up, and I felt so safe to let them all come to me. We are a lucky bunch of Moms to have your New Yorker self come here and share. Thank you SO MUCH. Jane - Mother of an adult child with autism


March 2014 

What an incredible time I had last Thursday night ur free teleclass-undercover relaxation. It was just what I needed. I found a quiet spot and settled in. I felt tense before but in no time I started to really relax. I realized that some of the techniques you were asking us to do my son who has autism could also participate in. I actually got him to focus for at least 5 minutes, quite the accomplishment...and then I was on my own again.

About 20 minutes into the session, I found myself falling asleep. Wow, is this supposed to be happening, am I that relaxed?. I had to ask Shane about that when I saw her again. The entire session lasted for about 1 hour and I dozed off 3 times in that hour. The relaxation and breathing exercises were amazing.  Right after the session, I went to bed and I had a great night sleep. Can I have this every night please?

Thank you Shane and keep up the good work. 

Denise - Mother of 14 year old son with autism


January 2014    

We've just started working together, and already I have glimpses of how I see things. I'm a new parent, so everything is new. This time in my life is going to be so much more meaningful with you in it. Thank you  already. 


November 2013 I do not have a child with special needs, I have three typically developing children and have found such amazing answers and awareness to my "simple" parenting issues.  It's like I found out how many special needs I have that affect my typical children.  Shane you are teaching me to love myself unconditionally and that is the recipe for a great and meaningful life. IF anyone is reading this, and doesn't have special needs children, or any children at all, Shane is great to have as a coach.  Basically if you are human and you have family in your life at all, Shane will help you move forward.  I thank you from the gut that you have gotten me to trust. Blessings, Anna 


November 2013  

Thank you so much for giving me the space last night to simply be.  It reminds me that truly being open allows light to shine through, and my day is brighter as a result of it.  Love Lu 


October 2013 

I was so pleasantly surprised to receive your written summary and recommendations form  our phone session!  It's amazing my sons bedtime goes so much nicer. I follow your recommendations and I see the change. The word "safe" does magic!! Thank you SO much.   -Regina Mom of a 14 year old with Autism


June 2013 

Shane had been working with my child as SEIT. She bonded so well with my son, she made care giving for him so easy. When I would hear my son from the other room start to scream and rant, it began to last for shorter times.  I knew Shane coached parents, so I began to work with her separately than my son. Without sounding too grandiose, Shane has been healing our family every since. The tools we use, I really have started using when I feel myself starting to lose it. I consider myself very educated and wise in ADHD, (which is what my son has been diagnosed with) BUT nothing I've ever read gets me in a place that Shane has. I can't say enough and recommend her enough. Trust is something that Shane has instilled in me, trust that my son is exactly the way he is, is perfect. If you can get the opportunity to have Shane work with, trust you will able to love your child exactly the way he is.  Rosa, Brooklyn



April 2013

 I just returned from a workshop about being my authentic self. I am shy and at first got upset that I actually had "to do" something at the workshop, and not just sit and listen. I'm not a young bird, but Shane has me thinking about all my actions, even the tiniest of actions.  What she talks about makes sense logically, the participatory aspect of the workshop, I'm still trying to figure out. All I know is I felt uplifted and more energetic when I left. It's like being in the same room with Shane made all the difference to the pains in my back and my attitude about the day. Thank you and I hope you reach the people that need you the most. 

- Grandparent/ Survivor


February 2013

Shane has been my coach for 3 months now. I felt the NEED to write this testimonial because I am so grateful. She has shifted my whole family, all based on my outlook on EVERYTHING. She is the best listener I have ever met. It's like she knows what I'm thinking and feeling 5 steps before I come to the realization. This saves me so much time in life and getting to the point of what really matters. And what really matters is my child. He may have come with certain issues, but Shane has shown me in the most gentle way possible, that I must work on my own first, if I don't' then I pass on my "stuff" to him.  Said like this, how can I not recommend her with the highest of honors?  Don't' think about hiring Shane as your coach, do it. now!  Saying Thank you will never be enough to express my gratitude.... Julie and Max ( my son)


December 2012

I contacted Shane after I went to one of her workshops, I knew she was the angel that would help my family and most importantly me and my son.  She came and never had an ego. She could let go of an idea just as quick as she thought of it.   

Stacy and Joe, parents of Frankie M.


October 2012

Sometimes she would just show up to a team meeting, say nothing, and things would go my way.  Anyone who has her join their "team" is a lucky duck.  Shane - My entire life is better with you in it.  God Bless you -  Janie and Joe


August 2012

  "I have had the privilege of hiring Shane for multiple programs including wellness seminars, parenting workshops, mindful living programs and children's events. Having hired facilitators for over seven years, Shane is one of the few who continues to get high praise from participants and I am asked consistently to invite her back. Anyone who knows Shane, knows that she works and interacts with a great amount of compassion and warmth. People who enter her seminars with a wall up are comforted and quickly learn how accessible, engaging and mindful her workshops are. Tuesday's Children works with a populations that have unmet needs and Shane has worked with all of them with confidence, professionalism and love. Any organization, company or individual who has the opportunity to hire Shane will not be disappointed." 

Service Category: Mindful Living CoachYear first hired: 2011 (hired more than once)Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Creative


July 2012

I enjoyed observing you working with Kay* at PS xx. Although working with Kay for less than two months it seems you already have made a significant positive impact on Kay’s communication and participation in the classroom based on Kay’s IEP and the classroom teacher’s account. You also seem to have great rapport with the classroom teacher and are an integral part of the classroom working with all the students.

In your work you seem to know when to support Kay and when to give her space (support communication during table work and let Kay join the others for movement and singing).

When sitting at the table with Kay and several of her peers you gave attention to all of them while using many strategies to encourage Kay to use her language. Strategies included encouraging language in place of non-verbal communication, prompting to communicate with her peers and not communicating for Kay, asking many questions that convey real interest in what Kay and her peers are doing, pulling peers toward Kay playfully to create cooperative play situation and joint conversation (the rod person says “Hey, want to visit Kay’s line?”). You made sure to encourage Kay to persist on tasks that were slightly more difficult for her (puzzle pieces won’t fit!), validating her frustration (“this is a big challenge!”) and balancing it with an appropriate amount of positive support. When giving praise Kay’s eyes light up smiling at you showing a lovely relationship between the two of you. You made sure to be playful through the whole interaction preserving a light overall enjoyable experience (blow out the candles on the birthday cake puzzle).  When cleaning up, instead of using reminders, you modeled the task in a very effective way (“Sorry, I can’t look at it now because I am cleaning up.”).

When moving into the meeting area you first sat away from Kay and moved closer only when Kay started wandering around, remaining to sit close by but not being intrusive and reassuring Kay with a smile when she looked at you. When Kay seemed to have difficulty attending you helped her remove the distraction, her braid in her eyes.

You seem to be aware of the whole child attending to all different aspects of Kay’s well being in a very non-intrusive way. You seem very attune to Kay’s strengths, moods, and weaknesses plugging in support only when it is needed. You seem very aware of Kay’s sensory processing difficulties, maximizing support by giving sensory input during difficult times and taking Kay out of the classroom for individual communication support and for building her self esteem. By your report you have communicated with the other therapists in the team. I am happy to see you taking interest in Kay’s placement for next year and supporting the mother in reexamining the options available.

At this initial stage I feel you are doing an amazing job in all areas. Visiting Kay’s related services sessions may help contribute information and strategies for your work with Kay during the summer.

*name has been changed


June 2012 

Watching Shane with David was like a huge stress reliever. I don't' have as much patience in my whole body as she has in her pinky!


March 2012

A testimonial from Shane’s last workshop with Tuesday’s Children:   “This program was very necessary and so valuable to me.  The breathing techniques helped calm me and reduced my stress.  Shane really connected with and listened to everyone.   She helped me have better balance in my life, communicate better and think in a positive way about myself and my family. 

Thank you so much for this empowering workshop.”   -9/11 Responder


October  2012

"Who ever thought improv acting OR yoga would be a part of my life. Shane uses techniques that sound intimidating, but when she works with me, it all seems like its the right thing to do. It's like the more uncomfortable I am about doing something the better I am afterwards;)" -Leora, Brooklyn, NY



October 2012 THANK YOU so much for an amazing day yesterday!!! The "Day of Joy" has encompassed my life since our shared experience of it yesterday. It has become such a beautiful framework for a new journey and a reminder of what I have misplaced in my life. Thank you for opening a new door in which I can once again enter as my true self. -Luella Mother of a 4 year old with special needs


September 2012  

I met Shane at one of her workshops on relaxation, I must say I was a bit apprehensive. I do yoga and know about conscious breathing. I was very surprised to be made aware how I practice yoga and breathe as an athlete and not in a way that helps me with my child.  My son is a handful, many therapists stop working with him because he has wild tantrums.  Shane and I had a lengthy conversation and she came to work with me and my son separately.  I know it's sounds crazy, but she and Leum had an amazing calm time. He tried his usual tricks on her and she didn't budge from her calm and firm disposition.  She had the, "yeah ok, I know you" way with him, and laughed where I never could have.  I cannot praise Shane enough, she truly makes EVERYTHING OK and really does not judge. Plus she is a great listener, I've been to many workshops and team meetings, everyone is always telling me what I could do different, that technique doesn't work with me;) We are lucky to be in touch with Shane, and it's great to have her number in my phone. -Leums Mom, NYC


June 2012

Relaxation + Bonding=Powerful Parenting Workshop  

"I REALLY loved today.  Your focus on self-kindness and simply being nicer and kinder is realistic and a refreshing way to work with my child. Thank you!!"


April 2012 "Great job Shane! It was a high energy, positive, presentation that was also authentic and you really listened to people. The massage and breathing techniques was very helpful. Your activates are all fun! Thank you;)" 


March 2012 "This workshop today helped me to gain some perspective and remind myself I need a break/relaxation reminder. The presentation had a great energy and helped me to think in a new way with positive energy.  I will use the ideas and techniques with the parents of children I work with who are overwhelmed, AND myself!" 


January 2012

Where do I begin? I've never heard of worked with a "coach" before. I learned so much in 3 sessions of working with Shane. Some of the work made me uncomfortable, because I had so many of my own childhood issues. Shane really made it ok. She came to me with NO JUDGMENTS at all.  She shared my feelings alongside me. She always said "we are all the same."  At first, I thought whatever. BUT the more we work together, and the more she understands me so quickly, I am seeing she is right.  I am not an easy person to work with, and the truth that Shane says, and the love she brings to the table is very special. I am grateful and I know I have Shane in my life and in my heart forever, even if I don't see her.  Louise and family


October 2011

I contacted Shane after I went to one of her workshops, I knew she was the angel that would help my family and most importantly me and my son.  She came and never had an ego. She could let go of an idea just as quick as she thought of it.


August 2011

Hi Shane,

I'm just writing to tell you that I love your Radio Show and that you inspire me very much. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Ana (from San Diego, CA)


June 2011 

Shane:  I was listening to your show on Contact Talk Radio this morning and you were commenting about some of the looks parents receive from people who do not understand when their autistic child gets "out there" while in public. So I want to share with you a funny story that was told to me:

My daughter Maria is 10 years old and she is a high functioning autistic with an intellectual disability. She loves music, drawing and coloring. And she participates in several extra curricular activities with other children with special needs. But there are times when she has her melt downs in public due to too much stimulation. One day, I happen to mention this to another parent and this is what he told me. He said he knew a parent that had an autistic child and when the child would have the public melt downs, the parent would put on a hat that said: "My child is autistic. What's your excuse?" I thought that this was really an amazing way to get people to understand about autistic children. I thought it was funny, too. I don't have a hat, but I don't mince words when I receive those looks from people who don't understand what's happening. I tell them that "My child is autistic." I have also learned to just ignore people who give me "the look." If they have a problem with my child or they can't deal with it, it's their problem not mine. I think that some people live inside a "bubble world" where everything that exists is "perfect". Which is sad because they never learn to grow emotionally in life.I believe that Maria is a blessing to me. She teaches me something every day. Thanks for your radio show

.Love and Light!                                                                                                                                                              

Camille and Family        


March 2010

What a surprise today!  I learned a lot from you.  At times I felt a little overwhelmed, but still I learned alot of things." - Marcy


November 2010  

It was very special to meet you and I'm looking forward for working with you. The way you just joined Alex, and got him to be calm when he was crying, gave me chills to watch. You have been obviously placed on this earth to work with our special children. I see that you really see the best in them. We are lucky and blessed to have been referred to you....

Maria and family



September 2009

Thanks so much for sharing you with the rest of us. It was truly a treasure. I look forward to working with you in the future( so of course I will be working with you in the future!)


Women In Need, New York, NY


June 2009

Shane it is special education week, so I wanted to thank you on behalf of all the great things you have done for my son and family and for all the children you have worked with!!!! Thank you for your dedication and everything you do!!!!! - Natalie parent of Gabriel (3 years old) Brooklyn, NY


May 2009  

Good morning Shane,

I'm reviewing  yesterday's in-service training evaluations and I must say all our homemakers loved your presentation. They all rated your presentation "Excellent".

I'm so happy you will be presenting for us again on April 19. I will email you close to the date to reconfirm.

Thank you again for helping us reach our training goals!!!


Thank you,


Training Coordinator

The Children’s Aid Society

Homemaker Services


April 2009

Bonding Basket Winner. This lovely basket arrived today while I was at work. My babysitter sent me a message telling me that I got a package in the mail and that it smelled so good she wanted to eat it. LOL I couldn't wait to get home and open it up.  An adorable little basket filled with goodies is what I found and she... was right it did smell scrumptious. No sooner than I got the box open the boys were grabbing for the two streamers they played with them up until dinner. While they were occupied I delved further into the basket. Bubbles, always a crowd pleaser here were tucked away before the children saw them. We will use those later. 

A beautiful pyramid pineapple orchid candle that smells good enough to eat and is almost too pretty to burn. A small votive that is a lovely scent though I am not sure what the scent is. We burned this when while we bathed the children. The kids loved the colorful foam sponge and I loved the Muladhara soap. I used to make my own soap so I appreciate a good bar of handmade vegan soap. It feels good to use real soap instead of the detergent that passes for soap in the department store. I bathed the children and let them play in the tub for a bit while I relaxed and enjoyed the candle. After I got the children out of the tub I toweled them off and took them to the bed. I said the affirmation included with the basket. I decided to try the head massager that was also included in the basket. I have had one of these myself and I loved it. My 3 yr old tolerated it but my 22 month old was another story, I think it tickles him too much. He just can't stand it. I will hold on to this until they are a bit older and they might appreciate it more. My older children always loved their heads scratched and rubbed. They still do but these two just don't seem to care for it. Next we sprayed some of the Organic Lavender around the room and in the bed. I took the Brahmi oil, included in the basket, massaged their feet as instructed. This seemed to be very relaxing to them and they both liked it, despite the fact they are ticklish on their feet. We settled into bed and after some snuggles and play they were ready to go to sleep. I nursed the 22 month hold while the 3 yr old was snuggled up next to us. They are resting well. I will let you know how they sleep tonight. The three year old usually wakes up several times during the night. He is a restless sleeper. All in all the basket is a hit not just with the kids but with mom as well. You should really think about marketing a similar product to Stressed Moms. The candles are wonderful and the massage oil is fantastic. The boys may have to share with mom.=D Thank you again


June 2008

Shane Wow, wow, wow. I attend as many free training as I can, I hand out flyers from RCSN whenever I see parents on the train having trouble. Today I dragged a Mom and I'm glad her first workshop was yours. You speak like I hear at Church! You are an angel and keep up doing what you do best!



April  2008

You have that special touch, that puts me, (a neurotic controlling parent at ease;) Thank you for all you do.  


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