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  • Imagine you went to bed every night knowing that your child is receiving everything they need from you

  • Imagine you have tools to get yourself unstuck when you start to feel overwhelmed by your child's behavior

  • Imagine you began taking actions towards conscious disciplining

  • Imagine feeling peaceful about parenting your child

  • Imagine getting and feeling on track in your own life

  • These goals are do-able! Other parents are feeling peace of mind, why not you?


Getting started: First step; The application process. You complete the application and then set up your 60 minute insight call.  This call is a conversation and experience, you will feel what it is like to have Shane as your coach.   You will know at the end of your call  if you and Shane are a good fit to work together. Then we will discuss the best way to continue.  

Do you want to radically understand and connect to your family and your child?

It is crucial for the whole family to be on the same page with how to deal with your child and their challenges.  It is vital that you know how to separate your personal emotions from the actions that need to be done to further child’s development.   Now is the time. It’s necessary for you to be committed to do everything you can, to bring your child’s development further along the right path with a team approach. 


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