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Office: 917-692-5632



FAQ's for coaching

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1. What is the process to get started?
Reach out via email or phone, and confirm you are ready for a Peaceful Parenting Insight Call. 


2. Where does the session take place?

Sessions are a combination of phone/skype, in your home and office space.  If you live out of the NYC area, your coaching program will be done on phone and skype. 


3. Does my spouse/mate have to participate? It is best if they do. Packages are designed to work wtih the primary caregiver and secondary caregiver. Involvement is tailored to your familys time and availability. 


4. Can I pay by credit card?



5. Are payment plans available?

Shane will work with you to create a payment plan that fits your lifestyle.


6. Do all my sessions need to have confirmed dates?

All sessions are scheduled during the first week of beginning the program. Consistency best serves your child and the momentum. Communication regarding vacation days and work events are communicated prior to the dates.  There is always room for dicscussion for scheduling situations. 


7. What is the cancellation policy?

 Each in-person and phone session builds upon each other. Once an agreement is signed, it's best practice to fulfill the commitment. If Shane decides it is not in your best interest to continue, a conversation will be had.  


8. What am I committing to when I have an insight call.

Nothing. There are no strings attached and no obligations to commit to anything further. You will see if this call serves your needs, and if it does, you will receive further information in program options and investment.  


If you have any further questions or would like to schedule your one on one Peaceful Parenting Call, contact Shane now. 

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